Fishing Report 8/15/06

Steve gets a brownie...Ed Stanley is an old family friend that visits my uncle and myself several times a year. We enjoy fishing together and have trying to get him a monster brown for several years now.

Rick with a Wickiup fish...We headed up to East Lake in the early a.m. to see if things had improved since our last trip up there. We did pick up some browns but nothing over 2 LB. Marked some nice fish but only the smaller stuff was cooperating. After lunch we went down the hill and meet up with my buddy Steve Kelly to sample the action at Wickiup.

When we got on the lake it was fairly early so we took a ride to evaluate the summer water conditions. This is the highest I have seen Wickiup this time of year since I have lived here (11 years).

Ed gets into it with this brown...Liking what we saw, we started fishing around 3:30 until 8:00 when Ed needed to leave. Fishing was pretty good with 9 nice browns from 3.5 to 6 LB. We also had a monster kokanee hit our plug that went 20 in. and was pushing 3 Lb.

Wickiup may be returning to the form of years past. I will be making several trips over the next few weeks so check back for more reports.

Screamin' Drags, Rick


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