Fishing Report 10-6-05

Evening brownieI took Andrew Rose and his friend Dave out last week on Paulina for a half day trip. They flew in from Arizona for a little vacation and a shot at the browns. You never know exactly what to expect this time of year as the fish start to transition into the spawn. Some real heavyweights have been caught in the fall including the state record brown from Paulina a few years back. That big female went 28 LB. 5 oz. and the replica we did hangs at the store.

Good match!We got on the water a little after 1:00 and started working the bay in front on top near the chub schools that are in the area. With no luck, we switched to some leadcore and then back to toplining. It wasn't looking all that good as my buddy John Werwie passed by in his boat when he got out for the evening run. It was around 5:00 and we had zip to show for our outing so far. As the sun got down we hung in there and finally popped a small brown. We ended up with 5 browns including Dave's 2 Lb. hen. We also snagged two chubs and that has happened a lot to me up at Paulina. There seems to be an abundance of them this year. We didn't get the bruisers we were hoping for but the guys learned how to fish for browns on top.

Tight lines, Rick


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